Is Life 360 Safe Enough? Critical Overview of Features and Risks

Is Life 360 Safe Enough? Critical Overview of Features and Risks

Dive into the safety and concerns surrounding Life 360, including data leaks, data selling, and cyberstalking. Explore the company’s safety features and discover Phone Locator, a safer alternative that prioritizes privacy and data security

Data safety has become a fundamental human right still neglected by huge corporations like Life 360. The internet is full of texts about unscrupulous companies who sell the personal data of their users. Most users argue that Life 360 is safe, as their authorities promise. 

Let us analyze whether Life 360 really ensures privacy and data protection or these are deceptive words of experienced businesspeople. For those who seek a perfect alternative  - - explore it below.

a phone with a breakdown icon on the screen (for example, a broken car or something like that)

Safety Concerns

Most people are troubled by recent reports that users are getting more vulnerable from now on because of possible data leaks, data selling to third parties, and unhealthy usage of apps for cyberstalking. The incidents announced by The Markup in 2021 and other resources have shed light on the events when sensitive user information may have been compromised. How safe is Life 360 then?

Data Leaks

Generally, poor data security causes various problems for large companies and application owners who tried to maintain a high level of data protection but failed. Questioning if the Life 360 app is safe to use is fair enough due to the continuous downtimes and server failures.

Data Market

As The Markup declared, the company sells the personal data of its users to third parties for commercial gain and benefits. Moreover, a user actually agrees to share their information with the external Life360 partners as it may be permitted or restricted via Privacy & Security settings. 

Cyberstalking and Virtual Abuse

However fair, kind, and noble users may seem, some of them still utilize the Life 360 app for cyberstalking and location abuse. In reality, several users take advantage of the app’s original tracking features to monitor their loved ones and control their lives completely. It is important to educate users about their rights and responsibilities so they stay safe and respectful of each other. 

Safety Features

Initially, Life360 claimed that they employ high-level encryption and security protocols so as to provide users with the most comfortable and reliable app. Nonetheless, they had to take measures again to create a safer environment.  As a response to criticism, Life 360 implemented several safety features aimed at protecting user data and ensuring a secure user experience. 

Bank-Level SSL Encryption and Military-Grade Security Protocols

The company promises that Life 360 is a safe app thanks to SSL encryption and the security protocols they utilize to protect confidential information during communication between their servers and a browser/app. 

Data Breach Alerts

Life 360 offered a new feature that enabled notification about any suspicious activity or access to their information. Thus, users get immediate feedback from the app in cases of potential threats. 

“Do Not Sell or Share My Information” Mode

The most observant users might have noticed that there is an option to enable or disable selling their personal information to third parties for commercial purposes. Although the feature shows Life 360’s concerns about privacy and security, it is still hard to notice this button among other highlighted features.

Screenshot from the screen of enabling/disabling the option "Do Not Sell or Share My Information" (settings - privacy and security)

User Considerations

While the company reassures its clients that Life 360 is safe to use, one should realize those major flaws that may jeopardize their own safety and security of the data.  The decision whether to use Life 360 or not depends on the risk tolerance and personal preferences of a user. One may cope with data leaks and enjoy the app as it is and others may not. But is it worth the risk?

A Safer Alternative Found

There are location sharing applications that may offer the same set of features but a different approach to privacy and security. One of such apps is Phone Locator. 

Phone Locator is a great alternative for those who need a modern user-friendly application that does not sell personal data. Why not discuss what distinguishes Phone Locator apart from other apps?

Privacy-Respecting Policy 

Phone Locator prioritizes privacy and never crosses the line between a user and the officials. This commitment to respecting user’s privacy guarantees that sensitive personal information remains protected and not utilized for commercial purposes.

Location Management 

Unlike Life 360, Phone Locator allows all users regardless of their status to pause and start location sharing at any time and without special permissions. Thus, a user may easily detect virtual abuse and totally control with whom to share their location.


Phone Locator claims that user data should be secure and well-protected via the latest security protocols. Users may rest assured that their information is protected from unauthorized access and breaches, which makes Phone Locator reliable and trustworthy. 


Stability is an essential feature for any app. Since it demonstrates a smooth user experience without system errors, server issues, and technical glitches, users are able to rely on the app’s consistent performance. Therefore, they may feel confident about their data usage and location sharing. 

screenshot of the start page of the Phone Locator app

Modern users do not trust any app at first. This usually happens due to unreliable and dishonest behavior on the part of the company. Life 360 had to face a barrage of criticism for selling user’s data; this has led to a reduction in the number of users and a drop in their level of loyalty. This is why such competing options as Phone Locator may be the best solution as it never repeats others’ mistakes and respects privacy.

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