Life 360 vs Phone Locator: What Can They Track?

Life 360 vs Phone Locator: What Can They Track?

Most users who opt for location-sharing apps might feel uneasy about the level of privacy they are granted. Sometimes, the companies themselves contribute to their reputation either in a good or bad way. Life 360 and Phone Locator are similar modern platforms, each representing their unique approaches, though.

Most users who opt for location-sharing apps might feel uneasy about the level of privacy they are granted. Sometimes, the companies themselves contribute to their reputation either in a good or bad way. Life 360 and Phone Locator are similar modern platforms, each representing their unique approaches, though.

What does Life 360 track? Which information is available for the Phone Locator and how is it used? To determine whether these tracking tools meet our demands or not, let us take a closer look at the features that involve tracking.

Two similar phones with the opened maps on them are on the table.

Life 360 Tracking Opportunities

Life 360 is a renowned software for location tracking and communication with family members and friends. The app operates with the use of GPS technology, Cellular Towers, and Wi-Fi networks. Thanks to the united power of these tools, Life 360 can track location wherever users go, from crowded urban centers to remote villages and far-reach zones. What all does Life 360 track?

Generally speaking, the app provides a variety of tracking options so users can keep in touch and obtain the most recent data about each other. One can easily pinpoint where the Circle* members are located and check their location history as well. 

*Circles are exclusive groups created by users to gather their relatives or friends in the same digital space/ “mapping” network. In order to invite new members, the app may ask permission to access the user’s contact list and suggest applications to send invitations through.

Besides, Life360 introduced safety features that also require constant tracking, namely crash detection and driving reports. Within the driving analysis feature, users can monitor each other’s driving habits, and receive alerts for driving speed, hard braking, and even phone activity while driving. 

As a part of driving detection, Life 360 monitors whether a user surfs the phone, though the app’s system cannot access the exact contents. It is about the fact of using the phone while driving, not the details of the specific event. 

Tracking Tools in Phone Locator

Although Life 360 is extremely popular, Phone Locator manages to keep up with it and emphasizes its finely developed functionality. Phone Locator is a location-tracking application that mainly focuses on its titled features, i.e., real-time location tracking and what else could be related to this process.

Like Life 360, Phone Locator introduces location tracking features that empower one with the most relevant and well-detailed location information. Via the app, users can see the exact pinpoints on the map, and tap on the profiles to access the details regarding their status, battery level, and phone number. Those who need instant feedback can request location updates and build routes via the profile cards, too. 

screenshot of the profile settings from the Phone locator app

Moreover, Phone Locator offers advanced features such as location history tracking, enabling users to review past movements and identify patterns over time. Therefore, the app can deliver personalized tips and suggestions, as well as assist when requested.

In addition to location tracking proper, Phone Locator stresses user safety through features like SOS alerts and panic buttons. In times of emergency, users can swiftly reach out to the predefined contacts, ensuring prompt assistance when needed. Thus, the app surely needs to access the phone microphone and speakers.

Privacy Exposed: Life 360 or Phone Locator?

As a logical consequence, most users who regularly share their personal information with location-tracking apps wonder to whom this data may be passed. Nevertheless, the companies always claim that their encryption protocols ensure the utmost level of security. But is it really so? 

Recently, the Life360 app was involved in several acts of privacy exposure. The Markup investigation revealed that Life 360 traded the personal information of its users and passed it to third parties. Thus, millions of users were in a challenging situation when they could not trust their safety to the platform anymore. As a result, they opted for other opportunities and got completely disappointed in such services. In return, the company clarified its intentions and purposes. 

For its part, Phone Locator was never spotted in controversial situations. They assert that their app is a safe zone that maintains a transparent privacy policy. In other words, the Phone Locator’s team displays which information might be used via the app’s system and requests the user’s consent to do so. Now, it is only up to the company to remain steadfast and dedicated to its noble ideas.

A disgruntled user holding his head vs A satisfied user looking at the phone with a smile

What If I Do Not Want These Apps to Track Me? 

For many people, the desire for privacy remains paramount. If you find it uncomfortable to constantly use location-sharing apps like Life 360 or Phone Locator but do not want to leave them for good, there are steps you can take to regain control over your privacy.

  1. Review location-sharing settings on these apps and adjust them when you need extra privacy.

  2. Go to the phone’s settings and consider adjusting them, too. 

  3. Enable Airplane mode but make sure you can disappear from the digital dimension for some time. 

  4. Rely on the inbuilt features like Bubbles on Life 360. They may be useful for people to hide the location or display the approximate zone of presence.  

  5. Turn on a VPN to spoof the app and hide your real whereabouts for a while.

  6. Turn off the phone and enjoy your offline activities. 

Location-tracking industry is full of diverse options that can track other users, including you. Phone Locator and Life 360 need similar access to the phone settings as they usually track the same. However, the approaches the companies stick to are slightly different. 

Nonetheless, choosing the right application is a long process that depends on personal preferences and beliefs. Make informed decisions, not impulsive ones.

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