What Apps Can Track Your Location?

What Apps Can Track Your Location?

Explore the world of location-tracking apps and learn how to protect your privacy while staying connected with your family. Discover the best app for secure location tracking and enjoy its groundbreaking features

The digital era leaves us ignorant about how personal information, location specifically, is used. In reality, there are more location-tracking apps than we imagine. Some people believe it is essential to constantly share their location data, while others disagree with such a policy. So, who is right?

Check out various types of apps that can track your location, learn what you may do to protect your confidentiality, and find a reputable app for secure location tracking. 

How Do Location-Tracking Apps Work?

The person standing on the map looks at the phone

Ongoing monitoring systems are implemented into the apps that can track location so as to provide a user with personalized content and services and offer location-specific information (e.g., ads). These apps utilize different technologies that transmit recently collected data to the servers for apps to use the information of our exact whereabouts. Here are the most popular ones:

  1. GPS. Most apps rely on the Global Positioning System which is a network of satellites and receivers that altogether determine the exact location of a GPS-enabled device.

  2. Wi-Fi. Location-tracking apps may also use Wi-Fi networks. Wi-Fi positioning is carried out with the help of special sensors that constantly scan nearby access points.

  3. Bluetooth. Bluetooth itself cannot directly identify the geolocation. When integrated with GPS or Wi-Fi, it may ensure an extreme level of accuracy and liability. 

Types of Location-Tracking Apps

There is an infinite number of apps that can track a person's location. However, they all fall into groups of apps with similar features and purposes. These are just a few types of location-sharing apps that are worth mentioning.

Navigation Apps

The first group that comes into mind is navigation services, including maps (Google Maps, for example) and the like. They usually require the user’s permission to access location data for routing and proper navigation. 

Social Media Apps

Location sharing is also important for social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, as they strive to promote location-specific services and products, as well as to offer personalized content (e.g., friends’ recommendations and relevant feed).

Health Apps and Sports Trackers

Health apps and sports trackers like Apple Health and Nike Run Club typically require users’ location to track their activity. This is a perfect tool for those who want to monitor their performance, pace, and other key factors that reflect their physical condition.  

Taxi and Food Delivery Apps


Taxi and food delivery services have transformed the way we live as they save lots of time and energy for something more important. Those cannot function without location tracking, hence making their servers a target for hackers.

Location Tracker Apps

Such apps are unsurprisingly used to track the location of your loved ones intentionally, e.g., friends and family locations. Users have the option to enable or pause location sharing, when necessary, monitor naughty minors and those who need constant control, and so on.

Spy Apps

Cyberstalking and spy apps do not require special permissions from the user as they operate in disguise, sending location data to the wrong people. One may not determine which app is used to track location as it is hidden in the phone system. Nonetheless, it is a subject of illegal activity.  

Location Tracking: Two Perspectives

On the one hand, location tracking provides convenience in navigating everyday life. Hardly do we imagine our lives without food deliveries, taxis, online maps, and location monitoring. It helps to establish immediate communication and allows people to meet their needs and stay informed about each other.

On the other hand, you may not always know which apps track your location exactly. Thus, it gets harder to control your personal information as it might be sold or stolen on a whim. Then, this data can be used by advertisers, criminals, governmental agencies, and other fraudulent people.

A screenshot from the food delivery/taxi application, where the user's location is displayed

What Can You Do to Secure Privacy? 

  1. Do not forget to manage your privacy settings. You can always turn this feature off unless it is a spy app. 

  2. Try to use only validated and popular apps as they usually utilize high-level security protocols. 

  3. Opt for the privacy-focused alternatives. Consider exploring more information about an app and user reviews. In most cases, such companies would boast and present their strict privacy standards and policies. 

Which App Is the Best for Location Tracking?

When choosing an app where you can track someone's location on purpose, pay attention to Phone Locator, a groundbreaking location-sharing app that offers an appropriate balance of functionality, reliability, and privacy control.  

Phone Locator is a standout option that suggests a wide range of well-optimized features designed to protect user privacy and confidentiality. 

Cross-Platform Integration 

Users may set up their app to securely share their information with other apps. It may be disabled anytime in the app settings. As for encryption protocols, Phone Locator is based on the latest of them to safeguard sensitive data.

Data Safety

Phone Locator dispels fears and doubts associated with data leaks and other related problems. Personal information remains secure as the app adheres to the most transparent tracking practices and provides users with clear insight into how, where, and when their information is collected, stored, and utilized.

Immediate Location Updates

Real-time location tracking offered by Phone Locator allows their users to instantly see the exact whereabouts of those they worry about. Whether they are traveling, working, or studying, you may monitor their movements with precision and accuracy and check their location history. Moreover, users are free to enable or pause location sharing if they feel a need to. No cyberstalking intended. 

Comprehensive Design

Its interface is straightforward and easy to comprehend. Anyone may utilize the app’s features to the full and never share data by accident. It is vital for an app to stay complex but not sophisticated. 

screenshot of the start page of the Phone Locator app

Private information should remain private. This is why we recommend using only trustworthy apps that share your location information via robust channels and sources. If you decide to use apps to track your location and share it with your family, Phone Locator may become the best option to help you with it.

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